Video playlistUS rock alt. UK [Warner Bros. Digital] written by Chester Bennington, Rob Bourdon, Brad Delson, Mr. Hahn, Dave "Phoenix" Farrell & Mike Shinoda US AC rock alt. UK US AC alt. UK US AC alt. UK US AC alt. UK US R&B alt. UK US AC alt. UK US rock alt. UK US AC alt. UK [Skrimsl Ehf Laekjaras 1 Digital] written by Arnar Rósenkranz Hilmarsson, Brynjar Leifsson, Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir & Ragnar Þórhallsson US AC alt. UK US rock alt. US rock alt. written by Chris Cornell from Days Go By rock alt. written by Dexter Holland US rock alt. US rock alt. UK [Helium-3] written by Matthew Bellamy US rock alt. rock alt. written by Chris Cornell & Ben Shepherd US AC alt. rock alt. US rock alt. rock alt. US AC alt. UK rock alt. rock alt. rock alt. Bones by Young Guns from Bonesrock UK written by Gustav Wood US alt. UK written by Alex Turner from Apocalyptic Love rock UK rock rock [R] written by Michael Poulsen rock rock written by Philip Labonte, Oli Herbert, Mike Martin, Jeanne Sagan, Jason Costa, Johnny Andrews & Rob Graves rock rock from Koi No Yokan rock alt. US alt. UK US alt. UK [Virgin] written by Dan Smith US alt. US rock alt. UK [Machine Shop Digital (Warner Bros.)] written by Chester Bennington, Rob Bourdon, Brad Delson, Mr. Hahn, Dave "Phoenix" Farrell & Mike Shinoda US rock UK written by M. Shadows rock alt. rock rock written by Anthony Esperance, James Michael, Jacoby Shaddix, Jerry Horton, Tobin Esperance & Tony Palermo rock alt. rock written by Lzzy Hale & Dave Bassett rock alt. written by Justin Hawkins, Eric Nally (as Eric Sean Nally), Loren Turner (as Loren Daniel Turner), Christopher Baker Schwartz, Sky White (as Schuyler Vaughn White), Aaron McVeigh & Alex Nauth rock alt. rock alt. US alt. UK written by Dan Smith alt. from Endgame rock alt. US AC alt. UK US alt. UK from When It Was Now US alt. US alt. UK rock rock alt. UK US alt. [Frenchkiss Digital] written by Michael Angelakos from Handwritten rock alt. UK US AC alt. UK rock rock rock alt. UK written by Kevin Parker & Jay Watson US R&B alt. featuring Mary Lambert [Macklemore LP Cut] written by Macklemore (as Ben Haggerty), Ryan Lewis & Mary Lambert rock from Here and Now rock written by Chad Kroeger alt. written by Aaron Bruno & Brian West rock alt. alt. rock alt. rock rock alt. written by Gavin Rossdale alt. UK from Blood rock from War of Angels rock US alt. UK written by Nicholas Petricca & Nick Lerangis from Port of Morrow US alt. UK written by James Mercer rock alt. Breathing Underwater by Metric from Syntheticaalt. US AC alt. UK US rock alt. UK written by Jack White from Murdered Love rock rock US alt. UK written by Jack White alt. rock alt. UK written by Florence Welch & Isabella Summers US rock from Nine Lives rock written by Deuce [musician] (as Aron Erlichman) & Jimmy Yuma (as Jim Lee Milner) from Stop the World rock written by Dameon Aranda & Gabe Aranda (as Gabriel Aranda) from Vices and Virtues rock alt. from Synthetica alt. US alt. UK from Rebel Soul US rock written by Marlon Young & Kid Rock (as Robert J. Ritchie) rock alt. written by Dexter Holland (as Bryan Holland) alt. |
US charts info based on Billboard (www.billboard.com) charts • UK charts info based on The Official UK Charts Company's charts |
Rock VF  © 2007-2024 Howard Drake / VF Entertainment 12/12/24 02h29:19 |
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